This MIA video, now banned from You Tube due to full frontal nudity and extreme violence, is some seriously insane shit. If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is…and beware, this is definitely NSFW.
It’s a pretty bold video and has a lot of people wondering “what the point” of it is while others are simply ignoring it and voicing an angst view of, ‘why the hell did I bother watching that?’ Well, take the ten minutes and watch it. Maybe even watch it twice. We all know it’s literally, a fine art, to push the boundaries on things and it’s a great feat to stand up for your beliefs and combine it within your art…but, what are your thoughts?

Check out our pics with MIA when she was Bamboo Bangin’. Galang-a-Lang. Coachella 2008.

[Video No Longer Available]