Excited to share a new collection of photo work, now on display at HIVE in Philadelphia for all of March & April of 2023. Get a glimpse of “Lost Roads”, an on-going project that balances the aesthetic between my street photography and nightlife candids.
Most of the recent pieces on display were photographed during the past few years as part of my re-connection with the 35mm world, heralding my early days of photography from the 90s and the innate nature I’ve always had to explore and simply get off the grid.
There are landscapes from Northern Maine where my travels took me to my childhood roots just miles from the Canadian border, images captured on a day trip to Provincetown where I roamed the origins of Anthony Bourdain, post hurricane excursions within an empty Mid-Atlantic cove, meanderings upon the dock of Philly’s Graffiti Pier and treks along wayward roads at the early dawn on the Eastside. It’s about getting lost and making discoveries and sometimes while at it, discovering others and their lost roads in the process.
A lot of these images represent things that are no longer with us. Dead end roads, rusted roots and a glimpse of things before they were forever changed. Sometimes you stumble upon something that boasts the energy of a time so long gone it seems like maybe it never was. Other times you may be buried in the wind of the reeds while the sound transports you to where another hidden road hums. Perhaps it’s essential to have a bit of exploration into the world before it is uprooted. Those lost roads are where sometimes you’ll find a new path or perhaps only find time capsules lingering with elements of age old dust.

Lost Roads
a photo exhibit by Ellei Johndro
1444 S. Broad St.
Philadelphia PA
March & April 2023
Sunday, April 23rd at 5pm
View & Purchase Prints